
In my courses I deal with classical topics of philosophy as well as current issues. In addition, I give introductions to the work of individual philosophers. Methodologically, I am very interested in research-based learning (forschendes Lernen) and have followed this didactic approach in various project seminars. For the project "Linguistics & Philosophy VS Popular Culture" I was awarded the Teaching Innovation Prize of the University of Kassel in 2016.


I have compiled a selection of past courses here that reflect my interests and competencies.

Project Seminars and Research-Based Learning

Climate Thinking – Forms of Knowledge in the climate change discours

Feminist Epistemology

Plausibility – Linguistic-Philosophical Investigations

Linguistics & Philosophy VS Popular Culture

Philosophy & Performance

Introductions and Classic Topics

Descartes' Meditations

Plato's Republic

Thinking Anmials? Epistemological, ontological and methodological aspects of animal philosophy

Philosophy in the Real World – An Introduction to John Searle

Science Studies– An Introduction to Bruno Latour

Miracles, Evidence and Facts – An Introduction to Philosophy of Science